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Lean 5S Products accept a number of payment methods. We hope to make any transactions with us as easy as possible. If you do encounter any issues or just want to confirm anything please email us on

Credit Card Payments:

We accept credit cards backed by the major providers on our website, including Visa & Mastercard. All our pages are secure with the SSL padlock to ensure your confidence in our payment system. If you have any queries please email

Paypal Payments:

We accept Paypal on both desktop and mobile devices. If you have a balance in your Paypal account, that balance will automatically be used before your backup payment method (which you’ll select at the time of purchase)

BACS / Bank transfer:

When payments from B2B and /or account customers the option to purchase via Bank Transfer is acceptable. We will provide a pro-forma invoice once your requriements and solutions have been agreed by both parties.

We do not accept cash or cheques

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